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Playing & Trading Strategy

CALLS & PUTS Strategy. 1.00 & 2.00 IPO's Strategy. COVER & RE-SHORT Strategy. <INSIDE>.

Posted by: RotoHockeyYTD2014 on Jun 02, 14:36 in response to Sir_Naxter's post Thank you for all the tips! So I should invest in both...

1. CALLS & PUTS Strategy - The Basic Strategy for CALLS & PUTS is to BUY both, especially for Blockbuster M/S. The Strike Price for (LITYR.OW) is 100.00. Should the OW Delist CashOut Higher than 104.00, you are Guaranteed a PROFIT with Both Held LONG. Should the OW Delist CashOut Lower than 96.00, you are Guaranteed a PROFIT with Both Held LONG. Should the OW Delist CashOut between 96.00 & 104.00, you will have a LOSS. This is a Low-Risk Strategy.

The Strike Price for (TOPG2) was 90.00 with the Delist CashOut at 160.51 generating a MASSIVE PROFIT for the (TOPG2.CA). With Projections for (TOPG2.OW) exceeding 100.00, HSX Traders went SHORT instead on (TOPG2.PU) at 2.00, Trending Downward to eventual Delist CashOut at 0.00. Watch the Projections for (LITYR.OW).

When the ROTO Port was a Small Port, the ROTO Strategy was to BUY all the CALLS & PUTS LONG on Wednesday & SELL Both Thursday Night for a PROFIT unless it looked like one of them would have a Massive Gain or Massive Loss. Wall Street Saying - 'You Can't Go Broke Taking a PROFIT'.

2. 1.00 & 2.00 IPO's - The ROTO Strategy has been, and still is, to SHORT ALL 1.00 & 2.00 IPO's as they quickly Dive-Bomb in Value. See Today's (SALTB) IPO at 1.00.

3. COVER & RE-SHORT Strategy - This is a Powerful Strategy that the ROTO Port used even after becoming a Multi-Billionaire. It Recovers CASH & PROFITS with Minimal Commission. With (SALTB) Dropping to, say, 0.60 a COVER & RE-SHORT would Recover the Initial Investment of 1.00 PLUS the 0.40 PROFIT with Minimal Commission, the Recovered CASH being used to Generate significant PROFITS elsewhere. The RE-SHORT at 0.60 would still Generate PROFITS with an eventual Delist CashOut at 0.00 or close to 0.00.

4. Play EARN H$ Daily to Increase the Net Worth.

5. These Strategies are PROVEN Strategies. The ROTO Port in 2014 set numerous HSX Trading Records including  2 MILL to 5 MILL in EIGHT (8) Days & 2 MILL to TWENTY (20) MILL in FOURTEEN (14) Days & 2 MILL to 100 MILL in THIRTY-FIVE (35) Days.

6. DAY-TRADING & RESET-TRADING. Let me know if you have any interest in either.

7. A 10 MILL Port has more FUN than a 2 MILL Port. Make it Happen.

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