THE BEST PLACE TO STARTWITH THIS IS PRETTY IN PINK 2. It as been 'ACTIVE' COUGH COUGH since July 1998 WHOOPS - that's longer than your20- year targetcriteris.CURRENTLY it's in COMCEPTPHASE - even though IF IT IS EVER MADE - it will be a sequel. I THINK it moved to DEVELOPMENT temporarily but that was so long ago, I'm no longer sure of that. It's NEVER been into PRODUCTION.
Yet, somehow every time there's a supposed puge of DEAD projects, this emerges miraculously umscathed.Don't bother to ask how or why; you will NEVER get a cogent responseogOGENT response. Is anyone at Paramount actually still assigned to work on this "Active"proect? or stillremember it exists? Is someone at HSX having an adffair withhavingsffair with Molly Ringwald to breathe life into her bond?bondherbond(You rememer her, don't you? Star of the original Pretty in Pink? She's only in her 50s now.
GOOD LUCK with your search. Mayce you'm find enough to start N Antiue/ 'oldies Fund.