Net Worth on Dec. 31st, 2022: $3.984.789.760
Net Worth on Dec. 31st, 2023: $4.315.324.053
∆ = $330.534.293 (8.3%)
Highest Net Worth: $4.332.300.743 (on Oct. 14th)
Couldn't make my $4.5B target this year. For a while it looked like I could make it. But I played de super-hero (specially DC) game very badly.
Rank: 530 (Dec. 31st, 2022) to 503 (Dec. 31st, 2023)
Highest Rank: 498 (Yay!) held for 37 days.
Trades: 518 in total - 151 still open; 367 closed (gained $41.161.510)
Biggest Winner of the Year: TSTET (+$16.061.378)
Biggest Loser of the Year: 5NAFD (-$16.327.590; reallt rhought day and date at Paramout+ was going to tank it)
Trades concluded in 2023: Best - BARBI (+71.193.488; including derivatives; held long since 2015); Worst - FLASH (-$20.454.420)