The MovieStocks market is growing, and with it the amount needed to be fully invested at HSX Mar 11, 09:37
Can I transfer the difference into a high interest savings account? :p {nm} Mar 11, 19:21
That or ability to extend loans to other players would suite me fine. {nm} Mar 11, 19:56
Do you own 'em all? {nm} Mar 12, 17:16
Customarily yes. When not, it is generally an oversight. Mar 13, 02:27
So, there are 2,293 investment options on HSX? Mar 13, 07:05
Kaigee’s main site page outlines the number of securities {nm} Mar 14, 00:23
Will StarBonds start paying interest again like it did back in the beginning? {nm} Mar 13, 09:23
When did StarBonds pay interest? Are you thinking of the interest on cash? Mar 13, 09:58
Yep. I started WAY back in 1996. {nm} Mar 14, 13:57
Which sucks big donkey dick. {nm} Mar 13, 12:41
I don't understand? That Star Bonds used to pay interest or don't anymore? Mar 13, 16:03
No, it was in response to Dmac leaving interest on cash at 0.25% {nm} Mar 13, 17:57
I'm guessing the goal is to keep players active, not incentivize them to leave HSX$ in cash, or mirror the Fed. {nm} Mar 15, 06:41