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I am not looking at the current price...but if you shorted HWYOGI at say, h$4.50 and it delists at zero, you get back

Posted by: StarBondFund BUY NOW.. Jets 10-5 (a.k.a mrbinns) on Dec 28, 17:57 in response to hostwizthemost's post If I short [HWYOGI] will it pay out the difference on feb...

double your investment, or 9.00 less commission.

If it delists at say, 1.00, you get back double the difference or 4,50-1 or 7

If it delists at 6, you LOSE double the difference, etc.''

This works for all securities, be they MovieStocks or derivatives, StarBonds or Funds if you short and cover. 

That is why the classic short of a put or call that delists at zero shows up as a delist worth 40K (2 x H$2 x 20k shares)

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