MTV: MLAWR on [LEGN2] ""No, I don't think that's ever going to happen." May 03, 10:04
Does MLAWR realize he wasn't in the first movie and probably wouldn't be in a sequel? {nm} May 03, 10:06
Hmm... a BMOM/LEGN crossover... now that would be interesting! {nm} May 03, 10:11
Better yet... Bad Boys 3 can take place in the I Am Legend world! :) {nm} May 03, 14:35
Oh, wait... you meant FLAWR (Francis Lawrence)... I can understand the mistake :) {nm} May 03, 10:06
Doh. :p {nm} May 03, 10:08
misleading title, you cost me a H$100,000 {nm} May 03, 10:15
No sympathy, if you aren't even going to click the title, then here's your sign. {nm} May 03, 10:17
Omg, is that a "stupid people" quote? May 03, 10:25
I would NEVER say that! ;) {nm} May 03, 10:32
What's misleading? {nm} May 03, 10:26
So to be sure in this. Article says Prequel is dead, small chance of a sequel. May 03, 10:31
It doesn't say small chance of a sequel. {nm} May 03, 10:43
The articlie does not said it but it is implied that is preferable hence I said "small chance". May 03, 11:01
That's complete speculation on MTV's part. {nm} May 03, 11:03
Same interview: FLAWR would love to do [CNST2] as a hard R sequel. {nm} May 03, 10:47
It will NEVER happen... you should have delisted this sucker years ago! :) May 03, 14:36