Also, does anyone know theater counts for Tree Of Life? {nm} May 21, 10:37
I have heard exclusive to test then maybe IMAX if it does well. But who knows... May 21, 10:40
I'd love to see it in IMAX... they deliberately screened it on the biggest non-IMAX screen possible. {nm} May 21, 10:46
According to BOM's estimates, it's in 4 theaters next week. {nm} May 21, 10:53
has a movie stock opening in 4 theaters ever sold for $28 before? {nm} May 21, 11:11
It's only at $19 right now... but it's all about the expansion. Fox Searchlight are masters at the slow build. {nm} May 21, 11:13
List of Tree of Life theaters (link) "going wide nationally" on 7/8, but who knows what their definition of "wide" is May 21, 14:27