HSX Forum


if mtc says 70 and the rule applies thatd be great. ive been predicting first class to break out (compared to some expectations) for a while

Posted by: bananaz on May 29, 14:25 in response to secretstalker's post I expect MTC to say $70 million and the normal rule to...

But seeing Kung Fu Panda disappoint pretty big, it had to be at least partially Hangover's fault. I hope I'm just being paranoid and First Class does great, because it's one my my most anticipated of the summer and appears to be a real quality film.

RS: [XMEN4] mid-60s secretstalker May 29, 13:39

This may sound weird but I want to see all 6 of those films {nm} islander May 29, 13:41

it does especially with one of those in the list... unless you have daughter who wants to see it too.. .and she is 9 years old... {nm} b4bad May 29, 13:55

i think The Hangover is going to steal Xmen's thunder, unfortunately {nm} bananaz May 29, 13:58

I expect MTC to say $70 million and the normal rule to apply. {nm} secretstalker May 29, 14:09

Time for someone to explain the rule to me :) i see this every week and i have no idea what you guys are talking about :p {nm} idrom May 29, 14:20

if MTC is significantly higher than RS, the OW will be above MTC's estimate. If MTC is significantly lower than RS, the OW will be lower RogerMore May 29, 14:44

Couldn't that be simplified to "mtc is more accurate"? {nm} forlorne May 29, 14:52

Not really. The MTC/RS rule is a piece of logic on an of itself. {nm} Facto May 29, 16:36

sorry, in and of itself {nm} Facto May 29, 16:37

u better apologize !! {nm} kalelanalang May 29, 16:45

if mtc says 70 and the rule applies thatd be great. ive been predicting first class to break out (compared to some expectations) for a while bananaz May 29, 14:25

70 wouldn't be significant enough for the rule to apply - that would be less than 10% difference {nm} JDolphin May 29, 15:03

I'm stubbornly still thinking it's way too low on Super 8. From the buzz of the initial screenings, I think the reviews will build interest {nm} GMov May 29, 14:43

We are in concurrence. {nm} BionicMoron May 29, 15:30

Still, there's a really big difference between current price, and these tracking data. So, one thing is to argue whether it will do better Facto May 29, 16:31

I definately think it can open well above $46MM. Reviews will likely be very strong...I think there is interest that isn't yet showing up GMov May 29, 17:01

We'll see. Facto May 29, 19:49

i wanna see xmen but i hate james mcavoy. {nm} kalelanalang May 29, 16:40

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