HSX Forum
MIDNP biggest WALLE film in 25 years....most think it will be his biggest box office success over Hanna and Her Sisters (40.1M) - THR
Jun 23, 05:43
CARS2 send B.O. tracking into skid - Variety
Jun 23, 05:47
says sequel (Cars 2) isn't likely to pass original, according to pre-weekend tracking. Bad Teacher is acting similar to BRDSM
Jun 23, 05:51
The original only opened to 60M, so that tracking seems to be the most bearish on Cars 2 yet.
Jun 23, 06:24
yes, and I would assume it's tracking as of yesterday afternoon.
Jun 23, 06:38
Considering inflation and 3D, Cars 2 should win Cars1 opening weekend by a big margin..so even with a 65-70 opening, I considered that weak
Jun 23, 06:33
my thoughts too, though I am on the low end. i originally had 61M for my projection, but raised it a bit to 64 because of those factors.
Jun 23, 06:39
something out of topic.. I like that Alice in Wonderland pic on your site.. sweet family photo ;-)
Jun 23, 06:41
thank you karspov. ;) that's us. my wife goes all out for Meadows birthdays. she hand drew lifesize characters from the film and we went
Jun 23, 06:45
"nag and drag" :) We need some players w/ little kids to post if their kids are excited for it.
Jun 23, 06:38
my daughter is 3, but we rarely take her to movies. she just can't sit through them....she was ready for Kung Fu Panda 2 to be over.
Jun 23, 06:40
My 6-year old son has weak interest. He says it's for "little kids."
Jun 23, 07:22
My nephews are excited for it.
Jun 23, 07:52