HSX Forum


There is one number that will never change.............. 312.50 {nm}

Posted by: mrbinns on Jul 15, 07:01 in response to lhayes37's post 56 game hit streak. 33 game winning streak. 100 points...

56 game hit streak. 33 game winning streak. 100 points in a game. 73 Hr's season. 2105 rushing yards season. 158.4 Domestic open 3 day lhayes37 Jul 14, 22:48

Well 114.8 used to be the sacred number. Box office inflate, sports record do not. {nm} Antibody Jul 14, 22:56

61 is the single season home run record until someone does it without juicing {nm} mickpix Jul 14, 23:02

You can't change the past. Time to move on. Most of the "steroid" era happened when it wasn't even against the rules of baseball. {nm} Juiced Jul 15, 04:21

Tell us how you really feel about it ;) {nm} Dorfman Jul 14, 23:11

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** jimmy1 Jul 14, 23:13

haha wtf {nm} Dorfman Jul 14, 23:16

This makes me curious. haha. {nm} Juiced Jul 15, 04:22

It may have a hard time beating TDK, but i feel it has a shot at taking down spiderman. If not its going to be really close {nm} idrom Jul 15, 00:14

I think it would be very disappointing if it didn't beat Spiderman. I think it will be close to TDK.. Dunno if it will overtake it though. {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 00:16

So if it makes 150 Mill, that is going to be very disappointing? Would have to disagree strongly on that. {nm} Juiced Jul 15, 04:23

I looked at the numbers wrong. I saw the 114 antibody posted and was thinking that. No 150m would be great {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 07:58

There is one number that will never change.............. 312.50 mrbinns Jul 15, 07:01

It should change since it's been bested many times since it's use was first spawned as some crazy high adjust prediction. {nm} BionicMoron, Future EAP God Jul 15, 07:07

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