Dark Tower officially cancelled (DRKTW) - Hollywood Reporter (link) Jul 18, 18:13
link Jul 18, 18:17
Dark Tower sounds like more than script issues {nm} Jul 18, 18:44
it's a money issue. Universal wants the Dark Tower but not at the price it's going to cost to do this version of it {nm} Jul 18, 20:05
So when will this delist? Tmorrow? {nm} Jul 18, 18:44
not happening {nm} Jul 18, 19:03
its not 100% dead, just not GL by uni. {nm} Jul 18, 19:51
completely agree....Watchmen....errr, Dark Tower fans stay strong {nm} Jul 18, 20:28
Ideally, HBO would pick this up and do a series like Game of Thrones. There is too much material otherwise. {nm} Jul 18, 20:39
That would still kill it as far as HSX is concerned {nm} Jul 18, 20:54
I'd rather HBO or Starz or Showtime or AMC or Netflix do Y the Last Man, but I've never read Dark Tower {nm} Jul 18, 20:56
this was meant as a new post...sorry {nm} Jul 18, 20:42
I'm looking forward to RSAPE as well Jul 18, 20:51
its unlikely they will ever recoup 100% but i dont think it costs a lot to license a king novel. I think he charges $1 {nm} Jul 18, 20:59
No of course not 100% {nm} Jul 18, 21:01
that's only for student or aspiring filmmakers. he calls them "dollar babies" (link) Jul 18, 22:55
got it, thanks....ron howard almost qualifies:-) {nm} Jul 18, 23:27
And isn't this the second time it went into turnaroud? {nm} Jul 18, 22:30
Battleship is really trading at 80? Wow... {nm} Jul 18, 21:00
And Pirates5 is almost at IPO price.. Craziness lol {nm} Jul 18, 21:03
I know. That makes no sense. {nm} Jul 19, 04:19
I'm guessing the relationship to the game will be negligible. I except epic sea battles, which can sell well. {nm} Jul 18, 21:26
Universal get your collective heads out of your backsides and let a company with vision take this on Jul 19, 01:48