Any parents out there? How is the interest for SMURF among the kids compared to YOGIB? {nm} Jul 29, 04:24
My nieces and nephews are bugging me to see it. Know any good excuses why I can't take them? {nm} Jul 29, 05:06
EXCUSE 1 not to see SMURFS: You have the blues? {nm} Jul 29, 05:11
You need to get treated for Gonorrhea. That excuse works on my nephews all the time. {nm} Jul 29, 05:23
thats funny {nm} Jul 29, 06:17
My two (ages 11 and 6) have more interest than YOGIB (due to reruns on Boomerang), but not much. Jul 29, 05:38
my two 11 and 14 are more interested in YOGIB as well. {nm} Jul 29, 05:43
Kids 6 and 8 most awaited summer movie, 11 doesnt care, but he will see it Jul 29, 05:40
Hard to gauge SMURF in my country it was a BIG DEAL for many many years. I dont know hoy big it was in the US. {nm} Jul 29, 05:41