OW Gutcheck Time ! Two shorts {nm} Aug 05, 02:16
little early isn't it?? Oh well I will be out and about today. 2 shorts for me as well {nm} Aug 05, 03:55
Short on the Apes. Long on comedy. $44 is low and going lower looks like. {nm} Aug 05, 05:14
I'm the exact opposite. Everyone I know wants to see the Apes; don't know anyone who wants to see Change-Up. {nm} Aug 05, 05:32
How does the must-see factor of RSAPE compare with CBALN among your friends? {nm} Aug 05, 06:05
Indeed. I'm much more positive about the Apes than I thought. I'm long on them and short on the changelings. {nm} Aug 05, 06:38
Long RSAPE, short CHNUP. Aug 05, 07:27
90+% of the people I've talked to want to see Apes. Haven't heard a one for Change-Up. We'll see. Aug 05, 08:12
Interesting. I haven't heard or seen any statuses from my friends about APES. None for the change up either though. {nm} Aug 05, 08:28