Tornado Tornado stars Koki as the daughter of a Japanese puppeteer in 1790s Britain who gets caught up with a father and...
A Working Man Levon’s Trade stars Jason Statham as a former black ops operative turned construction worker who has to use his...
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Update on a couple of my films courtesy of Baz - [RCOLT] [SHAWK] [JFLEM] have joined [GREXP], while [BCONN] & [MGAMB] in [QUTET].
Posted by: RufusS on Aug 30, 09:46
Update on a couple of my films courtesy of Baz - [RCOLT] [SHAWK] [JFLEM] have joined [GREXP], while [BCONN] & [MGAMB] in [QUTET]. RufusS Aug 30, 09:46
You missed the "l" at the end of "html" in your link. Here's the link, fixed. :) Paul2k Aug 30, 09:55
Cheers. Also our film Good Vibrations started filming on Sunday but I'm trying to find a final cast list before requesting an IPO. {nm} RufusS Aug 30, 10:02
So it is safe to say that someone at BBC Films is sleeping with Baz? TheWeekendWarrior Aug 30, 10:44
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