NYT: LucasFilm confirms “Yes — Darth says NO.” Aug 31, 14:11
Good, still time to cancel the pre-order. Aug 31, 14:19
i dont friggin care anymore {nm} Aug 31, 14:19
I care! {nm} Aug 31, 14:49
Yeah, but you also just kissed your sister. Nerfherder. {nm} Aug 31, 15:41
"Nerfherder" to be replaced "wanker" in Blu-Ray version. {nm} Aug 31, 21:08
So bad. Just leave the poor moobies alone. {nm} Aug 31, 14:24
Fine by me - why do fanboys have a need for purified evil? Won't hurt them that their archvillain has at least some human in him still. Aug 31, 14:42
At least the CGI Yoda in Phantom Menace is an improvement. {nm} Aug 31, 14:44
What's the big deal? It's just a movie. He owns the rights to it, so he can do whatever he wants with it. Aug 31, 15:05
I agree that it is his and he can do with it as he wants. He doesn't get my dollars this time though. {nm} Aug 31, 16:54
in the eighteenth century, playwrights revised "King Lear" to end happily. "Othello" also had an alternate, happy ending. Aug 31, 21:11