Released this weekend in the UK. Went Sunday afternoon, cinema about half full, mix of younger and older people, couples and groups. Everyone laughed at the new Orange advert (they should really compile a DVD of their ads sometime.)
Film was great, pretty much as you'd expect from the reviews. Acting is superb, cinematography and atmosphere very very immersive, you're in their world for the duration. Storytelling was also great and had a nice understated feel, it's a lot to pack into the duration of a single film but worked well. One of my friends commented afterwards that it was nice to 'see a film that treats you like a grown up', and I think a lot of people were comparing it with the TV series.
No idea how this will go down in the US where probably no one much saw the TV series in the first place. But it's a really good film, highly recommended, especially if you like spy vs spy stories and are more interested in the character interplay than action scenes (of which there aren't really any.)