HSX Forum


Chrome: OK. I got it...

Posted by: edzep on Oct 19, 14:05 in response to theycallmediddy's post I updated Port Monkey but can't this popup to work using...

Heh, 6 weeks ago, I began with a technique I knew would not work in non-Firefox, so I specifically excluded them. Later changed technique that is fine with Chrome, etc., but forgot about that one line of code.

I've updated the script. No change to version number. Deinstall, and reinstall. Thanks for the heads up.

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Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 10000 10.37 (0.00)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          John Malkovich (JMALK) 25000 19.77 (-4.72)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 10000 3.85 (-0.02)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 42.80 (-0.53)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 42.80 (-0.53)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          The Bride! (BRIDE) 1000 69.86 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Companion (CMPAN) 1000 24.82 (-2.54)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 10.26 (+0.55)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 16.25 (+1.16)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 16.25 (+1.16)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 3000 37.14 (+0.14)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 25000 139.59 (+1.16)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 25000 139.59 (+1.16)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 10.26 (+0.55)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Shang-Chi 2 (SHCH2) 5000 63.15 (-0.20)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 30531 23.99 (+1.39)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Love Me (LOVME) 150000 4.98 (+0.40)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 25000 3.80 (-4.22)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Anika Noni Rose (ANROS) 25000 81.82 (+0.25)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Alex Wolff (AWOLF) 25000 88.07 (-0.03)          Anika Noni Rose (ANROS) 25000 81.82 (+0.25)