BOM: [RMPRT] gets an 11/23/11 release date (looks like DMac snuck it onto the moviestock page without telling us. Tricksy) Oct 26, 20:20
Updated last week. Oct 26, 20:58
Well poopadoop. Sorry for casting Gollum-like aspersions. My bad! Oct 26, 21:01
You own a bad? Is there any chance that bad is breaking? Does Bryan Cranston know about this? You should sue! :P {nm} Oct 26, 21:31
Something tells me you're a fan of Mad Men... {nm} Oct 26, 23:38
Haha nope, never seen a single episode. {nm} Oct 27, 00:34
Isn't that just the qualifying run at the Sunset 5? {nm} Oct 27, 00:12