LAT on marketing [SHAME]. Cinemark declined to book the film. Dec 01, 10:50
It's depressing how the stigma of NC-17 is so evident in the US. One of the reasons I'm glad I don't live there ;) {nm} Dec 01, 11:54
not really. its more depressing that filmakers keep on trying to push the envelope by putting Dec 01, 12:02
I think the answer to that probably depends on the movie. It kind of sounds like in this movie, it was necessary. {nm} Dec 01, 12:05
Disagree. The MPAA are Puritans that censor expressions of artful sexuality, while premitting violence. {nm} Dec 01, 12:12
both should be carefully reviewed. Dec 01, 12:34
I donno, maybe becuase THE AUDIENCE WANTS SEX AND VIOLENCE and it's a business. So that's what they get. Dec 01, 13:38
If someone wants sex/nudity... Dec 02, 06:18
I can't watch Mulligan movies...she looks too much like the only ex-girlfriend who matters. {nm} Dec 02, 10:13
Just my opinion, but strike one against the MPAA is that they are so secretive Dec 01, 14:07
Why is sex or nudity unsuitable? Your premise is absurd and self loathing. Your body isn't sinful! Dec 01, 13:35
He got lost retrieving the kegs... {nm} Dec 01, 16:26
*join {nm} Dec 01, 19:24
Like SHAME would make anything at a Cinemark anyway... {nm} Dec 01, 14:31
Marcus and Carmike Cinemas also refuse to book the film because of the rating. I talked to reps from both this week. {nm} Dec 01, 14:41