HSX Forum


I expected the midnight portion from Tues night gross to be added to Wed and thus make it a little frontloaded

Posted by: xiayun on Dec 22, 11:42 in response to Paul2k's post Question:

Currently not sure about how much of the $2m included midnight since I definitely saw midnight showings listed. So if it didn't include at all and was only for Tuesday night expansion (which would make Paramount's accounting even more ridiculous), then $7m for Thursday would indeed be too optimistic.

If we change Thurs projection to $6.5m, then the adjust (based on my Thurs-to-OW multiplier) would be 17.1 + 8.5 + 6.5 + 40 * 2.2 = 120.1.

If we change Thurs projection ot $6m, then the adjust would be 17.1 + 8.5 + 6 + 37 * 2.2 = 113.

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