Sony is saying $13 million three day for TGRLW, which will probably amount to sub-$19 million four-day. A HUGE short. Dec 25, 09:05
Happens to the best of us. Make yer sadface, then move on. :P {nm} Dec 25, 09:06
I wouldn't care so much if I wasn't trying to hit 4 billion by year's end. Dec 25, 09:09
You're so close too! Man, that just sucks! Dec 25, 09:10
make sure you get some EURO, I am holding it right... should lessen the blow a bit. {nm} Dec 25, 09:11
I think the adjusts and incorrect OW holds I have will balance, a 3M gain erased by a 3M loss. Dec 25, 12:04
I thought it would be 2nd to MISS4 but shorted the ow and ca. Lucky or what? {nm} Dec 25, 09:15
I guess there wont be No. 2 and 3..... Dec 25, 09:28
That depends on foreign grosses, and the Christmas legs in North America. {nm} Dec 25, 09:34
eeeeep! {nm} Dec 25, 09:52
the feel bad movie of the year {nm} Dec 25, 11:01
Especially for the financiers! (rimshot) {nm} Dec 25, 11:19