I think that "Dragon Tattoo" remake could win Best Picture award at Oscar, like "The Departed".... Jan 09, 16:50
and I think that "The Girl with Dragon Tattoo" remake will still be much higher-grossing than "The Artist" in US {nm} Jan 09, 16:53
Gross is irrelevant. See HURTL vs AVATR. Jan 09, 17:03
I'd hardly call it underperform; it's still a black-and-white silent movie with a foreign director and no known stars {nm} Jan 09, 20:57
It's made $7.1 million in less than 200 theaters. Imagine how well it will do once it goes wide. {nm} Jan 10, 05:18
Awesome movie and Fincher is overdue for a film of his to win. Mara should win too. {nm} Jan 09, 23:03