RS Futures: Jan 15, 15:26
Did grammar step out for a bit? :P {nm} Jan 15, 15:36
But of course she did > grrr {nm} Jan 15, 15:59
Thanks. I was hoping Red Tails could hit double digits. I guess as always, it is up to MTC for confirmation. {nm} Jan 15, 15:46
But I agree low teens is a stretch without a golden globes boost to help {nm} Jan 15, 17:49
Remember, ELAIC gets a 3.0 mult (plus previous BO) as per the calendar. {nm} Jan 15, 16:21
This makes me want poll the audience: will you see ELAIC? Have you seen it already? Jan 15, 16:37
No and no. There hasn't been a good Tom Hanks movie since Catch Me If You Can. {nm} Jan 15, 17:36
Even though I've said this before it deserves repeating: I have and RUN AWAY!!! {nm} Jan 15, 18:19
No and no, just screams wait for DVD Jan 15, 18:34
Not really interested but the GF kind of expressed some so I might end up seeing it anyway. {nm} Jan 15, 21:45
no and no here also {nm} Jan 16, 02:56