DL: "EXCLUSIVE" - Lots of people are in line to see "The Hunger Games" and its gonna make a lot of money this weekend Mar 22, 20:38
Just a little too late lol. {nm} Mar 22, 20:39
LOL, what an exclusive. {nm} Mar 22, 20:39
TOLDJA! {nm} Mar 22, 20:39
I wont believe it till THR or Variety post similar numbers Mar 22, 20:53
xiayun has given into the hype! Mar 22, 21:26
Now you really know it's gonna happen! {nm} Mar 22, 21:27
@ xiayun: Only a 37% decrease Fri-Sat? That's a little optimistic. {nm} Mar 22, 21:51
I don't expect midnight, although still super heavy, to be as heavy % wise as the last few Twilight or Harry Potter films were Mar 22, 22:10
If it's a some sort of a 4 quadrant movie.. I wouldn't expect a drop of more than 35% too {nm} Mar 22, 22:45
It certainly has a lot of sellouts, but from a non-scientific overview of Fandango, not as many as Twilight 4 or HP 7.2... Mar 22, 21:57
Wait, Hunger Games is popular? When did that happen? ;-) {nm} Mar 23, 10:00