I think that Hunger Games is going to tank Saturday and Sunday. Mar 23, 15:14
Really? 100M ceiling is a pretty bold call right now! {nm} Mar 23, 15:17
Considering it's already made ~$50M, it's impossible unless the world ends tomorrow. {nm} Mar 23, 15:22
Maybe we've all misread the Mayan calendar? {nm} Mar 23, 22:31
I'm not sure how your "its just ok" feeling is going to generate such negative WOM to hinder OW prosepcts.. {nm} Mar 23, 15:22
Good luck with that. I was VERY disappointed with it, but teen girls seem to be loving it, so I'd be wary. Mar 23, 15:22
Unlike you g2, the target audience for this is embarassingly easy to please so they'll love it. {nm} Mar 23, 15:22
Harry, will you be seeing HGAME this weekend? Just curious, 'cuz I know you tend to see a lot of movies, even ones you diss. Mar 23, 15:27
It was sold out at the theatre I go to for the showing I was going to attend. Plan on going tomorrow or Sunday {nm} Mar 23, 15:28
Are you serious? I don' {nm} Mar 23, 15:29
t see how ANY movie could do only 5x midnight for the weekend. I'll eat my shoe if this thing only does $100m {nm} Mar 23, 15:31
Sandel or full-blown shoe? ;) {nm} Mar 23, 15:32
TWLI4 did 4.56 x midnights, HPOT8 did 3.89 x midnights. {nm} Mar 23, 16:42
6x midnights would give HGAME $118.5 (Nikki's low end range is $120), breaking Alice's March record. {nm} Mar 23, 16:53
Are you an aggogger blogger like Paul2k? {nm} Mar 23, 15:33
I may gag or be agog. It depends on the film. {nm} Mar 23, 15:35
heh {nm} Mar 23, 15:38
Zactly. 2 different movies. One was good the other was doomed months before it hit the screen. {nm} Mar 23, 16:11
Good luck with that. {nm} Mar 23, 16:33