In contrast, Hollywood movies that have been greenlit usually only take a max of a year and a half to be made. Also you need to consider that regular retail prices for new video games are around $100 per copy (generally), compared with maybe $20 at the most for one ticket to see a movie. You can't really compare the two and say video games make far more money when the pricing system is so far different between the two. They make more revenue, yes, but whether or not they actually make more money depends on the budget of the video game, the advertising spend, etc. I have a friend who is a video game tester, and she says that sometimes it's a living hell because she has such strict deadlines that she has to finish absolutely everything in the game by, on all difficulty levels. When you consider the fact that Hollywood doesn't have to pay thousands of people around the world to "test" the movie, but video game designers do, maybe video game companies don't make as much money after all...