HSX Forum


not true

Posted by: medv4380 on Apr 26, 13:13 in response to adamselby's post 48 FPS is the future of cinema. People just don't like...

The reason why the *blurring* was never an issue is because that's how we actually see. The Human eye sees maybe 10 or 12 frames per second but uses fluid motion blurring to process the motion of what's going on(see  "Restoration of Motion Picture Film" page 24). As you increase the FPS you decrease the Motion blur which your eye will see several frames with each of its frames and know that something is wrong with the image.

BluRay has the same issue.  It has nothing to do with the enhanced number of pixels.  The images that I see as fake are always the ones where the entire frame is in focus.  My brain knows that it CANNOT see an entire frame in focus and concludes that it must be looking at a fake image.  This is actually an artifact of HD mixed with over use of Touch Up CG or Green Screen to make the entire image "in focus".  You don't notice it on the large theater screen because the image is usually too big for you eye to see everything at once so your brain never has the chance to conclude it's fake.

The only advantage to 48 fps is that it's reduces eye strain.  However, this is fixed by using another trick.  Use a 48 or 72 refresh rate and the low 24 fps so that you are shooting each image at least two or three times in each second.

3D maybe fixed with the higher rate but I have an astigmatism, and won't be able to watch 3D anyways. Nether can a significant portion of the world.

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