HSX Forum


Um, if you don't want to see spoilers, don't read a post that says SPOILERS on it.

Posted by: elchan (a.k.a elchan2012) on May 05, 08:07 in response to BSmurf's post Please scrub the above post: Spoilers, anyone? I hadn't...

I never understood the obsession with not wanting to see spoilers.  I don't watch movies to be surprised.  I just let the movie unfold in front of my eyes.  It's the journey, not the destination.  Ok, enough cliches.

Hey, Facto, here is what the scene was after all the credits finished rolling. SPOILER for those that want to catch it in the theater. =) Catzan May 05, 00:44

Thanks! We were cheated of that scene... {nm} Facto May 05, 01:15

never saw that in my screening!!!! {nm} osmosis2003 May 05, 02:27

what about the scene after the credits .. thanos... {nm} TheFran42 May 05, 03:48

Please scrub the above post: Spoilers, anyone? I hadn't seen the movie yet - thanks :P {nm} BSmurf May 05, 05:47

Um, if you don't want to see spoilers, don't read a post that says SPOILERS on it. elchan May 05, 08:07

Knowing beforehand what happens in a movie, especially key plot points, climaxes, or twists, betrays the journey, doesn't it? Paul2k May 05, 08:16

Only for some movies, like mysteries, and other ones that depend on the plot twists, usually not action movies. elchan May 05, 09:50

You don't post spoilers in the subject header like TheFran42 did, you put them in the internal message with SPOILER in the subject header Roger More May 05, 09:09

Scenes are on UTube for those who missed it.(links) elchan May 05, 06:11

how do i delete it? The heading of this chat does say big and in caps "SPOILER". So i thought it would be ok... {nm} TheFran42 May 05, 07:24

Spoilers... edzep - Port Monkey! May 05, 07:30

are we saying there should be a spoiler alert for whether or not there's a credits scene?... tealfan May 05, 09:19

That would be silly, as it would help people to know that they should have stayed for the credits. I always do. {nm} elchan May 05, 09:51

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