saw Avengers. Surprised how much time was spent on Black Widow. Seems like she'll get her own movie. May 13, 08:47
Scarlett was terrible in it. Showed no emotion. {nm} May 13, 09:55
You think she was cast for her acting ability? {nm} May 13, 10:08
Avengers (Save The Day) ~ "The Black Widow can kill with just her thighs." {nm} May 13, 10:18
Sounds more like Xenia Onatopp. May 13, 12:03
Yeah horrible actor *cough* Lost in translation *cough* How many awards did she win there? {nm} May 14, 05:30
The Black Widow is a cold hearted b**ch. Unless they made her a happy character in the comics...she played her right {nm} May 14, 09:53