OW Gutcheck Time ! Short the dictator ( bit late ). Long the other two {nm} May 18, 04:08
I'm short on all, but could end up flipping on BTSHP depending where it stands, I still think that 40 is a possibility... {nm} May 18, 04:33
Short dict and log the other two {nm} May 18, 04:42
Ditto. {nm} May 18, 06:10
I have abandoned BTSHP. {nm} May 18, 08:45
For the OWs? Short all three. {nm} May 18, 06:18
Forgot to play DICTR, but short the other two. {nm} May 18, 06:24
Short dictator and short battleship {nm} May 18, 06:33
Long on battleship (i am really unsure about this one, but i will continue to hold it) short the rest {nm} May 18, 06:39
Short all three ;-) May 18, 06:45
Short on all three, as short as can be. {nm} May 18, 06:58
I hate this ****ing stock with every fiber of my being {nm} May 18, 07:27
Same here. I've lost more money on it than about any other movie in the past 2 years. Being AFK-ish surely isn't helping. {nm} May 18, 09:33