Just seen the trailer for Rock of Ages on British tv and no mention of Tom Cruise as star,is this seen as him now a May 28, 11:30
I caught it too, you werent watching that dire 'Love Shaft' were you? {nm} May 28, 12:15
Big Bang Theory i believe {nm} May 28, 12:33
I just caught it as well but to be fair, it doesn't mention ANYONE that stars in it. {nm} May 28, 12:31
the TV spots I have seen do not mention any cast and try to sell it based on the play and the songs (which are listed in the spot) May 28, 15:01
Paramount thought so in 2006...wait...how did that Mission Impossible 4 do? May 28, 12:47
He's probably just laying low and trying to distance himself from what will surely be a bomb. {nm} May 28, 13:58
This is what I mean, a film version of a popular Broadway show with a great cast, talented writer and good director.... May 28, 19:16
We have a huge (20 metre high) billboard outside our theatre and T.Cruise isnt one of the 8 people in the cast picture. May 28, 15:54
unless that is Tom in the cowboy hat. May 28, 15:57
that's him in the cowboy hat May 28, 16:32
I get an "access forbidden" notice, there {nm} May 28, 18:38
Studios can't bank on a star's name driving ticket sales anymore, especially with younger audiences. {nm} May 28, 16:00
I suspect younger audiences have no need to see a film featuring the music of Twisted Sister et al. May 28, 19:21
A Poison fan, eh? Who'da thunk it? :) May 28, 23:57
Cruise is excellent in the film...however I do not see this as Hairspray of Mama Mia... May 28, 18:10
I don't think he's really named in the commercials here in America as I recall either.. just references his character name May 28, 20:50