Ok, fess up... Who's holding 11,000 shares short in AWARD? Is that someone playing the negative port game? {nm} May 28, 16:11
why would a negative port play any fund short....? {nm} May 28, 16:12
Isn't the goal of negative ports to lose as much money as possible? {nm} May 28, 16:14
They would invest 200k to lose 800k? Funds are a very poor negative port investment. {nm} May 28, 16:29
The goal is to lose as much money as possible, but you also need to keep positive cash as long as possible. Investing in funds is not May 29, 09:45
Confession - the ROTO played AWARD SHORT just before it took that big Smackdown. Had to be done. {nm} May 28, 16:48
Why did the fund take a nose dive last July? {nm} May 28, 17:13
It didn't. It Delisted once it surpassed 100.00 then started anew at 20.00. {nm} May 28, 17:21
Oh, yeah. Should have looked closer. Thanks! {nm} May 28, 17:26
The Smackdown referred to happened on May 07, 2012. {nm} May 28, 18:51
There are 55 shares of my fund being held short {nm} May 28, 17:13
Interesting strategy for AFRAM. Short every mother f*king thing, except for SLJAC and any movie he's in, like AVNGR. {nm} May 28, 17:24
Ymean like TPERR movies? {nm} May 28, 17:35
The only thing long in AFRAM is SLJAC and AVNGR. {nm} May 28, 17:42
here is everything to know about the AFRAM Fund... May 28, 19:49
LOL, like I said, short every MF thing, except SLJAC and AVNGR. Also I don't agree with the AVNGR move ... May 28, 21:29