HSX Forum


WDINO is the most exciting IMO: Dinos+3D+Holidays= lot$ of kid$ in the theater$!! {nm}

Posted by: gardavou on May 31, 12:54 in response to Paul2k's post BOM: tons of Fox dates- [APES2] 5/23/14; [XMEN5] 7/18/14;...

BOM: tons of Fox dates- [APES2] 5/23/14; [XMEN5] 7/18/14; [RCPLS] to 4/25/14; [SLOWM] 12/25/12; [WDINO] to 12/20/13; [PJAC2] to 8/16/13 Paul2k May 31, 12:30

Plus, Untitled SBULL/MMCCA comedy 4/5/13 and Independence Day 3D 7/3/13 {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:32

Melissa McCarthy will have this comedy on April 5th, then a month later IDTHF from Universal on May 10th. Interesting. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 13:04

And APES2 is now titled Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:32

aww...was about to post XMEN5 date I just saw on ERC's Facebook...but then you blew by me with that and then some :) {nm} tealfan May 31, 12:34

that's a surprising date for walter mitty, pretty soon. {nm} jwammo May 31, 12:35

Crud. you're right. I goofed. It's Christmas of 2013, not this year. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:36

fixing [RCLPS] tag, release date changed to 4/25/14. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:37

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** tealfan May 31, 12:37

jinx! {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:38

echo echo....lol {nm} tealfan May 31, 12:38

That Percy Jackson change is interesting. {nm} Dales May 31, 12:38

don't know what to make of it {nm} BorderLand May 31, 12:43

Yeah...gets out of the shadow of Oz the week before and the potential leg-chopping of JACGK, CROOD, GIJO2, and HOST1 in weeks after. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:50

Shoves it to a date by itself, after more adult fare of XERXE, RED2, ROBOC, but right before CTOFB. A little less crowded. {nm} Paul2k May 31, 12:52

WDINO is the most exciting IMO: Dinos+3D+Holidays= lot$ of kid$ in the theater$!! gardavou May 31, 12:54

Your "s" button on your keyboard seems to have malfunctioned mid-sentence. ;) {nm} Paul2k May 31, 13:00

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