Variety: The Dark Knight Review [BATM3] Jul 16, 00:07
Generally reviews aren't tagged to the MovieStock page. {nm} Jul 16, 00:22
That's right - nmbl Jul 16, 06:10
And The Hollywood Reporter, who says that Avengers is silly and childish compared to Nolan's trilogy, praising TDKR highly. Jul 16, 00:52
i feel bad for the first negative review of the film on RT.. that critic will have to change his career... {nm} Jul 16, 01:15
More like 15 seconds of public shame and humiliation :P {nm} Jul 16, 07:35
But there are ones who disagree with valid arguments. I dislike the herd mentality of RT users. TDK had plenty of flaws Jul 16, 07:39