This is an interesting read... Estimated top 230 movies in NA box office for ticket sales. Jul 18, 17:12
The sting is in top20! In what world does home alone top Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid? {nm} Jul 18, 17:15
Impressive. The Sound of Music is #4. Jul 18, 17:30
Only 5 of the top 50 released since 2000. That's perspective. {nm} Jul 18, 17:32
And one of those was BATM2. That's perspective. {nm} Jul 18, 17:37
I have to question that Gone with the Wind number... The US population in 1940 was 132M {nm} Jul 18, 17:37
I tried... Everything I find has it jumping from $4M in 1942 to $193M in 1998s re-release. {nm} Jul 18, 17:44
just go read some history of hollywood. it's pretty accurate. Jul 18, 21:39
IMDB says it ran from 1939-1941. You can sell a lot of tickets in that amount of time. {nm} Jul 18, 18:01
Also, movies were about the only thing to do: no tv, no Internet, no Facebook, no video games Jul 18, 18:13
Only books, radio, 78s, other people, and Sartre. Jul 18, 18:37
And HPOT8 nudged out by "Every Which Way But Loose" for spot #124. :) {nm} Jul 18, 18:51
It looks similar to the lists that sometimes float around but there are some of the same errors Jul 19, 06:17
I love this, thanks. Imagine how big stars were when a much larger portion of the country saw their films. {nm} Jul 19, 07:40