I just got find 25% of my portfolio for something about manipulation? How would I manipulate things?? Is this common? {nm} Aug 16, 21:52
Wow I meant FINED, sorry about that. {nm} Aug 16, 21:55
Market manipulation may include, but is not limited to: coordinated trading by different HSX accounts Aug 16, 22:01
WTF?! So I can't dispute?? I can still trade right now... {nm} Aug 16, 22:02
Do own those 9 kyle accounts? {nm} Aug 17, 06:06
What does the {nm} mean in the subject? {nm} Aug 17, 06:15
That is what I thought it was. Thank you for letting me know {nm} Aug 17, 07:44
Given your gains on such a new account are you sure you aren't running multiple accounts??? {nm} Aug 17, 10:17