HSX Forum
MEW: new specific production start dates [NSID2], [ROVER], [FRNK]; non-specific dates [JGGUN], [PDSTN], [THE33], [PRBIL], [SVDVN];
Oleg Max
Nov 25, 06:04
Oleg Max
Nov 25, 06:06
SVDVN production month of June was mentioned in tagged DL article.
Nov 25, 06:11
NSID2 production date already mentioned in the tagged CS article.
Nov 25, 11:19
grr. missed that one. last date I was aware of was December...
Oleg Max
Nov 25, 06:16
Hey, you're picking up the news slack in a mighty good way. You've still got a good batting avg going on.
Nov 25, 06:19
Also, I'm not sure how necessary it is to post the dates for JGGUN and PRBIL, since they barely moved as non-specific dates from previous
Nov 25, 06:17
yeah, I saw DMac rule both ways on these. sometimes he is ok w/ such sometimes not. I figured start dates did move (to a different month)
Oleg Max
Nov 25, 06:30
Sorry if I sounded blunt,my observation is that these posts move the stocks a bit.. then are back to bleeding state..so what's the purpose?
Nov 25, 06:31
not always the case. Jack Ryan comes to mind. it was in low 20's before news of the production start date was posted.
Oleg Max
Nov 25, 06:53
When I used to repost news bits, my first/foremost thought was "does this bit of news indicate a further step in the production/release
Nov 25, 07:04
Late Bloomer (LBLMR) is mentioned in the article, too...
Nov 26, 08:19