The popularity of Schwarzenegger stocks suggests HSX traders have a lot in common with the Republican Party Jan 22, 05:55
They like fake money? {nm} Jan 22, 06:13
Please tell it to Stallone... {nm} Jan 22, 06:49
So, I'm a republican, I don't like Arnold, and I am short his bond, and all of his future movies. What does that mean, o soothsayer? Jan 22, 07:06
Arnold is liberal republican {nm} Jan 22, 07:45
smh...some people just have to make everything political... {nm} Jan 22, 07:49
"Obsoletely fascinated"?? {nm} Jan 22, 10:32
Yeah, but at least ASCHW is to the left of MGIBS>. {nm} Jan 22, 10:33