Romy & Michelle 2 Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow reunite as Romy and Michelle in a sequel to the original 1997 comedy. Robin Schiff...
Mufasa: The Lion King The Lion King remake will continue with a prequel that explores the origin of Mufasa and his rivalry with Scar....
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+ 1 {nm}
Posted by: VictorY on Jan 25, 19:27 in response to FilmGo's post Great article Shawn. Never understood why people can't...
From 'Trek' to 'Wars': A Fan's Opinion on J.J. Abrams' Blockbuster Decision (link inside) ShawnMR Jan 25, 10:03
Great article Shawn. Never understood why people can't be fans of both series. {nm} FilmGo Jan 25, 13:58
It's not that at all, it's that we don't want the two series to be indistinguishable. ST is scifi morality, while SW is fantasy mythology. {nm} Antibody Jan 25, 14:16
Do you believe that JJ is not capable of directing two films in the same genre and not have them be different? BSmurf Jan 25, 15:30
Nope. :) Star Trek was very Star War-ish with its daddy issues and love triangles. {nm} Antibody Jan 25, 15:44
To be fair, Luke never scored with anyone, and Anakin's "romance" was creepy. I think Chewie had a better shot at Leia :) {nm} BSmurf Jan 25, 15:52
But he's going to try real hard to make it JJ Abrams' Star Wars. {nm} DTravel Jan 25, 20:23
+ 1 VictorY Jan 25, 19:27
I hope they maintain that Star Wars look-and-feel at least...I guess that's one thing George Lucas is there for as creative consultant {nm} tealfan Jan 25, 16:10
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