HSX Forum
Whats are peoples feelings for [2012S]? Isnt $160 high for this movie? Is it really going to attract that many people? Thoughts.... {nm}
Posted by: evwarsh on Nov 03, 09:30
Tag(s): 2012S
Whats are peoples feelings for [2012S]? Isnt $160 high for this movie? Is it really going to attract that many people? Thoughts....
Nov 03, 09:30
i think its a DOA POS. i keep trying to short it, but i just keep losing money. roland emmerich doesnt deserve these huge budgets.
Nov 03, 09:38
As long as he keeps delivering the profitable POS, the studios will keeps giving him the huge budgets.
Nov 03, 09:45
he barely clears the production budget in dom BO. i dont get why bay & sommers get so much hate, yet this douche goes unnoticed.
Nov 03, 09:56
International BO is then profit.
Nov 03, 09:58
inorite. damn those non-american soccer & emmerich loving basterds!
Nov 03, 10:08
And DVD and Blu-Ray and Pay-Per-View and NetFlix and premium cable and basic cable. They run this crap all the time on FX and the like.
Nov 03, 10:10
Domestic BO is but a part of the cashouts though. Personally, I cant stand the tool.
Nov 03, 09:59
I want to see ID4 part 2! Go Roland!
Nov 03, 09:58
Yep - monuments crushing people = $$$$$. The Day After Tomorrow made $68.7 million opening weekend (five years ago, in summer), and 2012S
Nov 03, 09:58
cant wait! theres a fine line between annoying dumb and entertaining dumb, and emmerich, imo, usually winds up on the entertaining side
Nov 03, 10:09
which side of the line did 10k BC end up for you? for me it induced nausea & sleep.
Nov 03, 10:27
i had the good sense to pass on that one!
Nov 03, 10:40
It's the disaster film to end all disaster films. I think it will do much better then 10,000 B.C.
Nov 03, 10:18
yeah 120 would be a ALOT better than 10k bc & still a great short.
Nov 03, 10:29
isn't this early for a gutcheck?
lone canadian leafs fan
Nov 03, 10:42
I have it doing over 200m. Oh and TDAT adjusted is at 80m OW and over 200m DOM, so yeah it's a big long.
Nov 03, 11:39
i recall that TDAT had a five-day Memorial Weekend to open and tanked hard over the course of the weekend after a huge first night
Nov 03, 19:52
You can short it people as much as you want. I am long all the way until it will delist!
Nov 11, 13:55
What did I tell you?...
Nov 15, 15:01