HSX Forum


One free trade for every upvote! {nm}

Posted by: RogerMore on Apr 06, 21:07 in response to grammar's post Hey .. 'light bulb' thought: We get one free trade for...

Dead Board - really should bring back commission-free Saturdays DMac !! {nm} grammar Apr 06, 19:21

+1. How about increasing stock limit by 10k for the next 10 Saturdays since we are making pie in the sky wishing :) {nm} Oleg Max Apr 06, 20:06

That mike troll said that the stock limit is increasing to 1 million shares, I am still waiting ;-) {nm} karspov Apr 06, 20:36

That was April 1 . no? {nm} grammar Apr 06, 20:42

Karvspov is Jerk Ass hole troll {nm} mike255 Apr 07, 04:13

scribble {nm} RazorHawk Apr 07, 11:10

May not be such 'pie in the sky' Oleg - DMac seems to be most interested in increasing posts to the board. {nm} grammar Apr 06, 20:43

Hey .. 'light bulb' thought: We get one free trade for every post we make ~ How about that Mr. DMAc? :) {nm} grammar Apr 06, 20:45

One free trade for every upvote! RogerMore Apr 06, 21:07

That is hilarious. You should do stand-up. {nm} not2fast Apr 06, 21:47

I don't know what we expect, given how poorly we treat each other around here...lucky anyone posts at all IMHO. {nm} PVL Admin Apr 06, 23:11

Hah .. we aren't as bad as we were years ago. 'What happens these days is really rather mild in comparison. Being too nice doesn't spark grammar Apr 07, 00:04

Yeah, I think a bigger problem is people assuming the worst - short answers being taken for rudeness, etc RogerMore Apr 07, 09:26

Agree it's a balance. IMO, some folks get upset they can't manipulate, and even more upset if they're proven wrong. :-) {nm} KalElFan Apr 07, 00:44

Been here since '99, and I'm still hesitant to post anything. Doesn't seem worth it... People who post here are angry as hell. {nm} Biff68 Apr 07, 09:45

Biff69......keep your thoughts to yourself. Don't be a buffoon. {nm} Broiler Apr 07, 11:31

Biff69......keep your thoughts to yourself. Don't be a buffoon. {nm} Broiler Apr 07, 11:31

"What’s the latest buzz? Join the discussion about MovieStocks ®, the box office, and the movie industry in general." KalElFan Apr 07, 00:35

That's the descrption of these Movie boards on the Forums page. Sounds good to me and I'm not sure Sat no-commission would affect much. {nm} KalElFan Apr 07, 00:40

The real solution is to bring back orange. Bad idea jeans. {nm} Broiler Apr 07, 11:33

The real solution is to bring back orange. Bad idea jeans. {nm} Broiler Apr 07, 11:33

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