mtc 26 oblivion 4 place beyond pines {nm} Apr 16, 07:59
never got the mtc info for last week {nm} Apr 16, 08:00
OBLVN flixster number (at RT) is just under 27k. {nm} Apr 16, 08:08
The scourge of supposedly reliable tracking strikes again, RS having come in at mid-50s. Tracking. Fraking. Follies. :-) {nm} Apr 16, 08:10
Are u shadowking? U seem to know a lot about past trackings and movie comparisons {nm} Apr 16, 08:20
Tagging [OBLVN] 26 [TPBTP] 4 {nm} Apr 16, 08:22
No, I just have the one nym, not even a YTD version. I do think the whole tracking thing is all fraked up though. {nm} Apr 16, 08:25
Which ones only measure "marketing"? Don't they at least attempt to poll awareness, want to see, first choice, etc.? {nm} Apr 16, 08:43
That is measuring the marketing. {nm} Apr 16, 08:46
And by extension, and see below -- they provide a NUMBER. This isn't rocket science. {nm} Apr 16, 08:49
My non-insider understanding... Apr 16, 09:11
Awareness, want to see, first choice, etc. are the key measures and can have little to do with marketing $ and the like. {nm} Apr 16, 09:31
Not marketing $. Marketing. Apr 16, 10:37
ALso, it's not people at the studios or theater chains giving us the $26M and $55M, it's the sources MTC and RS. {nm} Apr 16, 09:50
MTC = "Major Movie Chain" Apr 16, 10:26
And again, awareness, want to see, first choice is NOT marketing. It's polling and it's the polling that matters. {nm} Apr 16, 11:28
All kinds of reasons. Because they follow movie news, friends, word of mouth, they may have been anticipating a movie for years. {nm} Apr 16, 11:58
Also, to say tracking doesn't predict B.O. misses that a B.O. number is given. "Those that have seen tracking... say..." {nm} Apr 16, 08:47
Hah .. you never know what sparks long conversations. {nm} Apr 16, 08:53
GO HOME MTC YOU'RE DRUNK {nm} Apr 16, 08:57
bombs away! {nm} Apr 16, 09:16