RS iron man low 140s {nm} Apr 29, 07:21
tagging RS: [IRNM3] low 140's. {nm} Apr 29, 07:30
silly RS {nm} Apr 29, 11:27
I am going for 170 :) but then who cares what I think...:) {nm} Apr 29, 12:19
*I care* Apr 29, 12:21
Gotta say 160-ish for IRNM3. It's RS, they {nm} Apr 29, 12:36
can't predict the next time they will have to take a crap. {nm} Apr 29, 12:37
IRNM3 most likely opened in more theaters in more international markets than Avengers. {nm} Apr 29, 13:25
It's just tough to see how a prediction as low as $140M makes any sense, but anything's possible and we'll see soon enough. {nm} Apr 29, 15:40