Huge ARB on IRNM3 derivatives (if you aren't already holding them and can't decide which way to go)... May 03, 07:16
It's kind of tough to be ARB when no US numbers have been reported for the weekend at 7:30 AM PDT on Friday {nm} May 03, 07:28
Try to find any box office number where you'd end up losing money {nm} May 03, 07:34
Lest we forgot IRMN2s stocks. That cost me a lot of fake money for a "sure thing". May 03, 07:40
yup...the numbers don't count until they've been counted...I'm so deep =P {nm} May 03, 08:39
Woah man, I'm like one with the numbers... {nm} May 03, 09:51
On a related note, does the exchange ever do CX derivatives anymore? Or have those disappeared for good? May 03, 09:12
Nope. May 03, 09:50
Short! Short! Short! Either I loose my shorts or it's going to be a HUMONGOUS payday. May 03, 08:59
Assuming this is the pre-halt gut check, right? {nm} May 03, 09:30
Yes. {nm} May 03, 09:41