Most times I saw a movie; Tin Cup, Taken,Tremors, Rushmore... they never tire May 12, 07:47
Most times in a theatre; Mysterious Island, Hornets nest, any Sergio Leone-western May 12, 07:50
Wow...I just realized; Leone should be in my top10 directors list. Great moviestoryteller and innovator May 12, 07:52
LOTR trilogy each twice in theater, would go again to see on big screen. {nm} May 12, 08:17
good call ! I saw the first one 4 times ( in a theatre.... in a months time ) May 12, 08:21
The Godfather. {nm} May 12, 08:55
14x in theater for The Dark Knight Rises, 10x for Watchmen and Skyfall. May 12, 09:29
Why? Why would you waste that much money to see any movie that many times in such a short window of time. {nm} May 12, 10:31
Maybe MrZero works at a movie theater? {nm} May 12, 10:36
no...just waited years to see these movies (15 years for Watchmen); marginal utility diminished slowly May 12, 11:53
spending 30hours of my life in a dark room watching a big blue dong on screen might call for some kind of rehab {nm} May 12, 10:42
In the 70s I also had an interest in the industry, subcribing to Variety around Star Wars and Superman in 1977-78... {nm} May 12, 13:36
21 times for "The Empire Strikes Back". Last one to see more than once in the theatres was BATM2. {nm} May 12, 14:10
Others I recall: "Memento," "Topsy-Turvy," "The Perfect Storm," "LOTR: The Two Towers." {nm} May 12, 14:49
Usual Suspects (over ten times) The Hunt for Red October (even more that that!) May 12, 14:35