mtc lowball edition 3 day only. Fast 70 Hang 56 Epic 33 {nm} May 21, 07:12
Should be pointed out that mtc tends to lowball afterthey overpredict the weekend before {nm} May 21, 07:14
Nice nunmber for Epic {nm} May 21, 07:20
tagging MTC: 3 day only: [FAST6] 70; [HNOV3] 56; [EPIC] 33 May 21, 07:23
HNOV3 and EPIC are not really lowball when you use 2.7 for the 3 day and get a higher price. {nm} May 21, 09:01
Not the numbers I wanted to see for any of those... I've already got sweaty palms here.... {nm} May 21, 07:25
did they have any movies like Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby and Star Trek 2 as competition? {nm} May 21, 07:43 May 21, 07:45
I think that would affect the total weekend take, not the IM {nm} May 21, 07:54
In 2011, the openers HNOV2 and PAND2 had 1 : 1.2 and 1 : 1.28 ratios, respectively. Both opened Thursday. HNOV2 is the only... May 21, 08:08