HSX Forum


Just checked BOM and SR, though it opened Wed, managed $102.5M adjusted-2013 by the Sun. {nm}

Posted by: KalElFan (a.k.a del_TOM_KalElFan) on Jun 03, 17:02 in response to Antibody's post What happen to SUPR2? That's a 35M drop from 5 days ago.

BTC #s NTERN 17, PURGE 20 Next 5 weeks inside whitewalls Jun 03, 16:20

What happen to SUPR2? That's a 35M drop from 5 days ago. Antibody Jun 03, 16:47

Good question, obviously, but methinks no matter what the answer it tends not to inspire confidence in BTC's numbers. {nm} KalElFan Jun 03, 16:53

Just checked BOM and SR, though it opened Wed, managed $102.5M adjusted-2013 by the Sun. {nm} KalElFan Jun 03, 17:02

Wish i knew, but the breakdown they have is (36/31/23). Not sure why they dropped it off so much. {nm} whitewalls Jun 03, 17:10

ERC tweeted an opinion 3 hours ago regarding SUPR2 OW "...$135+M is a safe call...but could be higher." tatoufan Jun 03, 17:37

I think ERC is right on, "The cult of Christopher Nolan is mighty!" {nm} tatoufan Jun 03, 17:43

Wow! 135M is now safe? Excellent news :) {nm} thatpj Jun 03, 17:58

That statement is lunacy. There is nothing safe about an estimate like that. Jelly Jun 03, 19:14

"BTC's OW projection in this thread" is down $35M in five days and would not be "great news". It smacks of nonsense lowballing. {nm} KalElFan Jun 04, 00:13

I think beating the 5-day opening of the last Superman movie in three days would be a success. Jelly Jun 04, 05:39

Anything equating "the last Superman movie" to this one will be a failure. Much more is expected, and required, here. {nm} KalElFan Jun 04, 07:49

And FYI the five day breakdown on JSVSA is (7.5/5.5/10/10/7) {nm} whitewalls Jun 03, 17:11

those are around numbers i thought for weekend. especially for purge. {nm} thatpj Jun 03, 17:23

LONER 80 & PACRM 40?? The current price is totally different. Any opinions? {nm} sphere Jun 04, 03:34

The BTC nerds who compiled the data this week were drunk? :-) {nm} KalElFan Jun 04, 07:51

what is BTC? {nm} mjrisgod Jun 04, 12:45

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