Tornado Tornado stars Koki as the daughter of a Japanese puppeteer in 1790s Britain who gets caught up with a father and...
A Working Man Levon’s Trade stars Jason Statham as a former black ops operative turned construction worker who has to use his...
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tagging future RS: [CWCM2] high 20's; [CDUTY] low 20's; [THOR2] high 80's; [TWOWS] low 30's; [HGAM2] mid 160's
Posted by: Oleg Max (a.k.a Oleg_Max) on Aug 26, 18:56 in response to Moviesnob's post RS (not tagging even if its Monday) - One Direction - mid...
tagging futures is ok, moviesnob
RS (not tagging even if its Monday) - One Direction - mid teens Getaway - Low single digits Closed Circuit mid single digits Moviesnob Aug 26, 18:38
tagging future RS: [CWCM2] high 20's; [CDUTY] low 20's; [THOR2] high 80's; [TWOWS] low 30's; [HGAM2] mid 160's Oleg Max Aug 26, 18:56
And remember to check the calendar for the different adjust multiplier... {nm} skamanfu Aug 26, 19:19
HGAM2 predict looks solid. Even a bit under, I think. For the rest---really??? bwahahahaha! $12M is as low as I'll go for GETAW opener. {nm} eallensbp Aug 26, 20:38
GETAW, low singles my ass. If crazy preteen girls fail to get ODCM to at LEAST $18M I'll probably have to eat something not typically edible eallensbp Aug 26, 20:41
Yeah, the past year I have learned not to bet against EHAWK. {nm} tatoufan Aug 27, 02:12
Agreed, however, on CLOSD---mid singles, maybe that's the 5-day total, heh, as opposed to 3-day. Read IM on predicts for the next 2 weeks. eallensbp Aug 26, 21:02
personally, i dont like your wild, unsubstantiated guesses. certainly, posting why a movie might fail or suceed is fine, but i thought islander Aug 27, 06:04
Should he post a disclaimer informing the board that it's not his hat he's pulling his numbers from? {nm} BSmurf Aug 27, 08:01
its ok, i dont think anyone listens to ellen anyways. {nm} adrenalin112 Aug 27, 08:43
selena gomez is BO cancer, and 1D are closer to jonas bros than they are to the biebs {nm} adrenalin112 Aug 27, 08:46
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