Now that it has delisted, what do people think went wrong with T5EST? {nm} Nov 11, 16:52
I suspect that they were right {nm} Nov 12, 03:13
Wikileaks is not even remotely as popular as Facebook ie THe Social Network. {nm} Nov 11, 17:02
absolutely zero interest; poor marketing; no star power; R rating; bad release date... {nm} Nov 11, 17:05
Nailed it. {nm} Nov 11, 17:33
I would argue that cumberbatch is on the verge of major stardom. Already in two franchise tentpoles, about to be in a third. Nov 11, 17:34
thats fair. He is the lead in a hit TV show though. {nm} Nov 12, 00:39
Who? {nm} Nov 12, 04:14
The only person that cares about WIkileaks is Julian Assange {nm} Nov 11, 17:35
Just Guessing that you Overlooked .... The United States Government. {nm} Nov 11, 17:45
"The only person.that cares..." The United States Government is an institution and is not considered a "person". {nm} Nov 11, 17:57
Once again, you are WRONG. Please see attached Dictionary - 'Person'. Nov 11, 18:09
Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid? {nm} Nov 11, 18:13
Did you use lead toothpaste when you were a kid? {nm} Nov 11, 18:18
"I'd like to have an argument please." Nov 11, 18:18
Sweet. Nice Touch. {nm} Nov 11, 18:33
How I view pretty much ALL your posts: Nov 11, 19:18
How I pretty much view ALL of your Posts. Nov 11, 19:21
The tears of a clown. Hope you feel better soon. {nm} Nov 11, 21:29
Bitten by the Salty Par-Dinky of Fate. Nov 11, 23:56
Unfortunately, whilst very clever, your argument doesn't hold up in context Nov 12, 05:42
belated reply here... Nov 11, 21:39
Okay, maybe the question should be "Why was it thought that it was going to make around $30M?" Nov 12, 12:27