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Official Adjusts
Posted by: Antibody on Nov 24, 10:20
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire [HGAM2]
Halted: H$410.72
Weekend: $161.125M
Adjusted: H$435.04
Delivery Man [DLVRY]
Halted: H$23.77
Weekend: $8.215M
Adjusted: H$22.18
Dallas Buyers Club [DALBC]
Halted: H$11.08
Weekend: $2.770M
Previous: H$3.680M
Adjusted: H$11.99
Official Adjusts Antibody Nov 24, 10:20
I guess not bad for HGAM2... Now what is the experts advice... Short it or stay out... sold my stock at 448 and didn't do anything... {nm} Shakarwala Nov 24, 10:26
Lots of less than expert advice on this board. I would read this from rogermore Moviesnob Nov 24, 10:38
Although, it would be interesting to hear Rogers thought on catching fire weekend multiplier since it was very high for this type of release {nm} Moviesnob Nov 24, 10:40
Lionsgate could be fudging to beat The Dark Knight Rises. {nm} Antibody Nov 24, 10:52
even if its a mil or two off, its still the highest since 2005 {nm} Moviesnob Nov 24, 11:13
I don't have a good answer and haven't looked at the numbers in detail, but the weekend performance was very different from the first movie. RogerMore Nov 24, 12:20
then that shouldn't change the post adjust play, based on your comps, do you think? My guess is that its still heavily frontloaded {nm} Moviesnob Nov 24, 12:33
I'd be very, very surprised if it did change the post-adjust. Sequel + HGAME's short legs + the audience hasn't expanded + behaviour RogerMore Nov 24, 12:49
I dunno...I was a party with many young teens at it today Colt 1911 Nov 24, 13:40
Sure, but is that enough interest to sustain its price? I'm looking at a list of the ten biggest openers, and the only one to delist above RogerMore Nov 24, 14:14
Polling had a higher 41% male demo for catching vs 29 male demo may have been distracted Friday by Xbox launch {nm} notfabio Nov 24, 15:32
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